the artist:

Suzanne Arkless – Goldsmith

Suzanne Arkless – Goldsmith

Welcome to my world!

For more than 43 years, I have had the good fortune of designing and making jewelry. I am fascinated by the beauty around me and enjoy using Nature’s precious metals and gemstones in combinations that hopefully bring pleasure, joy and love to those I serve.


more about these products…

I have been mastering the art of jewelry making for more than 43 years. My designs are part creative proces, part dedication to the meticulous craft that is jewelry design. Each work of art I complete is a one-of-a-kind or limited edition design derived from precious metals and gemstones. I am personally involved from the initial sketch to the finished piece of jewelry.

My inpiration comes in large part from the tremendous variety of color and shapes of the genestones from around the world. I am also influenced by perceptions of both natural forms and fabricated structures in my surroundings. The gemstones initiate the process by suggesting what form the metal should take to complete the union of design.

The beautiful variations of pearls.

The beautiful variations of pearls.